Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Spider - Man 3 PS3

The next few reviews are all going to be sequels and with the exception of this game, none of the series involved are very well established which means I won't be referring to previous games much. Do you know what that means? No? Neither do I, on to the review.

Spider-Man 3 takes place in the same timeframe as the movie roughly. It contains several more plot lines then the movie, but none of them overly complex or even interesting to follow. In fact the movie plot is easily the weakest and sadly it has the most material behind it.

The controls have not changed much. The sound hasn't really improved. The graphics are better. Not too much but still better.

Combat is slower and more frustrating, depending on whether you are winning or losing combat is either wonderful and fun or so frustrating a new controller might become trashed. It happens and in this game its entirely possible to go either way, so buyer beware.

Swinging around town thankfully is stil wicked crazy awesome-o funzies. Truthfully this game is really only worth playing to swing around saving people casually. The story is garbage truthfully, the combat is blood boiling, but swinging your ass is amazing. Amazing. Even after two other games, still fun.

But sadly there are virtually no other high points. Actually there is one more. Spider-Man doesn't drown. It's amazing the progression these games have shown, first we couldn't swing down to the street or we'd die. We couldn't hit the water or we'd die. Now, we can't actually fight bad guys even with superpowers and superior combat skills or we'll die because Spidey's powers kinda come in and out in this game. I wonder what other crazy drawbacks the next games will have? Maybe we can only climb walls sometimes? In some missions we'll have to slowly walk across town? Oh the possibilities!

I'm pretty sure that is all I really need to say about this game I spose. In fact I've said everything I needed to so often that I'm not qualifying any of these scores.

Graphics - 7/10

Sound - 7/10

Controls - 7/10

Funzie Level - 8/10

Reviewer's Lean - 7/10

Final Total - 7.2/10 It was alright and thats pretty much how all the recent games have been. Let's hope when I get around to Web of Shadows it does something better.

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